Title: Muv Luv-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel
Developer: ixtl
Publisher: Degica
Release Date: 15 Jul, 2016
Languages: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 2.98 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Muv-Luv PC Game – The Muv-Luv series is an epic saga told in three parts: Muv-Luv Extra, Muv-Luv Unlimited, and Muv-Luv Alternative. What begins as a tongue-in-cheek romantic comedy ultimately transforms into …
This game contains the first two arcs: Extra, and Unlimited. The final arc is the story’s massive climax, and is nearly the size of the first two combined. It will be available soon on Steam as a standalone title, so keep an eye out for Muv-Luv Alternative when it launches this winter.
i can’t play it in windows 11
hmm… I dunno if it works for you but, right click the games, then click properties -> click Compatibilities Tab -> click the checkbox for “Run This program in compatibility mod for:” -> on the drop list below it, choose Windows 10. Click Apply then OK. Usually it works.