Title: Xenonauts-GOG
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Goldhawk
Publisher: Goldhawk
Release Date: 16 Jun, 2014
Languages: English
File Size: 2.65 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Xenonauts PC Game – Xenonauts is a spiritual successor to the classic X-Com strategy games from the 1990s. We aim to improve the graphics, add new content and streamline the interface whilst still retaining all of …
Xenonauts is a spiritual successor to the classic X-Com strategy games from the 1990s. We aim to improve the graphics, add new content and streamline the interface whilst still retaining all of the key mechanics of the original games. Devoted fans should love this game, but we’re also keen to introduce the joys of old-school grand strategy to a whole new generation of players who might not otherwise experience it!
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1207664803
Note: The game is updated to version 1.65 gog hotfix
rar file is broken. can’t extract.
Can we get Xenonaughts 2 please.
Would be nice if you could upload the sequel. Many sites have it but I haven’t found a single one without cripplingly slow download speeds.