Title: To Hell with Hell Purgatory-SiMPLEX
Genre: Action, Shooter
Developer: Lazurite Games
Publisher: Deck13, WhisperGames
Release Date: 25 Feb, 2020
Languages: English, German, Russian, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 52.50 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Racaty, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download To Hell with Hell PC Game – Apocalypse has arrived. And you are going to hell. Not because Natasia has been a bad girl, which she has been for sure. But because Asmodius, ruler of hell himself is calling. And he needs your help, as he got locked away by his enemies. There’s only one credo now: To hell with hell and the gruesome …
It’s Showtime: Are you going to despair, because you are just a mortal weakling, a common human being? Well, that ain’t a Problem! Take a mask and become whomever you want to be. You can transform into a Knight, a Demon or even a Clown – the choice shall be yours. In “To Hell with Hell” masks define your skills and you can combine them as you want.
Chose. Your. Weapon: To shovel or to mortar, that’s the question here. End the lives of your enemies your way. Take your Sword or your Pumpgun – it is up to you. How will you defeat the demonic mobs? Slice them, blast them – make it their worst day in hell!
Hell is not the end of the road: Wait until hell has frozen over? That’s indeed a possibility here, cause there are more places than the heated home of the demons. And once you’ve reached the frosty caves, your journey will be far from over!
• OS: Windows 10
• Processor: Intel i5 Processor or higher
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: GTX 760 or higher
• DirectX: Version 10
• Storage: 2000 MB available space
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Every time I see this game, I get so angry at myself for not playing it enough. I’m a huge fan of isometric action, and twin stick shooters! And even though there are more than enough out there to play, to where you could go the rest of your life without finishing them, this one is just about perfect (but I’m terrible at it, so I have to revisit it every once in a while to try and get farther. The crazy thing is, I’m pretty sure this was a free steam game, and it’s still better than most of the $15-$20 ones!