Title: NEKOPARA Vol 2-HI2U
Genre: Anime, Casual, Visual Novel
Developer: NEKO WORKs
Publisher: Sekai Project
Release Date: 20 Feb, 2016
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 1.33 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download NEKOPARA Vol. 2 PC Game – Among them are the sarcastic oldest sister who hides behind a facade of toughness, Azuki, and the clumsy youngest sister who always tries her best even if she ends up doing more harm …
Among them are the sarcastic oldest sister who hides behind a facade of toughness, Azuki, and the clumsy youngest sister who always tries her best even if she ends up doing more harm than good, Coconut. No one got along better than these two catgirls when they were younger, but lately, they’ve been fighting all the time.
Despite their sisterly love, a small misunderstanding ends up driving a wedge between them. As the story of these catgirl sisters unfolds, they’ll grow to understand each other and strengthen their familial bonds in this heartfelt catgirl comedy, which is only a little lewd. Now open for business!
Coconut is da best!
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