Title: Mugen Souls-RELOADED
Genre: Adventure, Anime, RPG
Developer: Idea Factory
Publisher: Ghostlight LTD
Release Date: Oct 22, 2015
File Size: 3.60 GB / Split 7 parts 550 MB + Single Link ISO
Mirrors: Mega.nz, GDrive, Direct FTP Link, Uptobox, Upfile.Mobi
Free Download Mugen Souls PC Game – There exists a small galaxy in the universe containing seven worlds, shimmering in seven colors.These worlds exist and act independent of one another. This has allowed them to develop and nurture rich, unique cultures. Then one day, a decree was sent out. The Undisputed Goddess Chou-Chou decided that everything …
Mugen Souls is a JRPG that features a free-roaming battle map, turn-based combat, and massive amounts of customization and growth to maximize the fun fans can have with the game.
• OS: Windows 7 or later
• Processor: 3GHz Intel i3 or equivalent
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with 1GB RAM and support for v3 shaders
• DirectX: Version 9.0c
• Hard Drive: 4 GB available space
• Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Rar password: www.ovagames.com
PERTAMAX MIN … lansung download
langsung sedot.. thank buat admin..
Zestiria min, plz
crack tales of zestiria masih blom sempurna, masih banyak masalah keliatanya.
Kalo ma zestiria download aja di situs luar. dikumpul bagi juga ada. nggak usah tunggu diupload admin
mending jgn dlu deh, nunggu versi yg stabil nya aja… nih yg sekarang, soundnya crash sama agak lag n grafiknya jg g maksimal.. NOTE : PC ane bisa main gta 5 lancar, jd yg salah bkn PC ane hehehe
Zestiria ane udah download dan lancar jaya gan, udah ada crackfixnya plus masalah audio jg tinggal ganti jd stereo aja..semuanya lancar dan ane setting mentok paling high
cuma emang harus install steam dulu, dan biarkan jalan gk perlu log in.
amd buldozer 6core
ram 8gb
vga his R7 370 2gb
yeah developernya idea factory sama kayak fairy fencer f :v
Yeah, ane udah maen fairy fencer misinya ntar cuman kembali ke masa lalu dan maen lagi kyak dari awal cuman levelnya yang masih tetep.. membosankan…
iya, setipe ama neptunia 1 dan 2, == ^_^
yang zesteria udah ada crackfixnya..ane udah hampir tamat
gan ane jalanin kok eror ya.
unable to intialize steam libraries.
mohon bantuannya dri agan agan
kumpulbagi susah buka ada saran gak buat modem and hanks admin-san
gan imi steam ato windows live.. klo windows live kan gk bisa save :’v
Reupload Mugen Souls-RELOADED Done.
Date: 20 August 2016
Note: Old links interchangeable!