Title: Morph Girl-POSTMORTEM
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Horror, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Jaydeb
Publisher: Jaydeb
Release Date: 30 Aug, 2017
File Size: 2.20 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Morph Girl PC Game – Elana Pierce is a grieving widow that cannot seem to move on following the tragic death of her wife, Rebecca. When a mysterious, supernatural being begins to force itself into her daily life playing upon the memories of the dearly departed she must make the decision to embrace or reject the creature. Will you reject …
Elana Pierce is a grieving widow that cannot seem to move on following the tragic death of her wife, Rebecca. When a mysterious, supernatural being begins to force itself into her daily life – playing upon the memories of the dearly departed – she must make the decision to embrace or reject the creature.
Will you reject its invitation? Or embrace it?
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unique game