Title: Codex Temondera Lost Vision-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Developer: Quacksalver Frame
Publisher: Quacksalver Frame
Release Date: 30 Jul, 2019
Languages: English, German
File Size: 1.38 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Letsupload, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Codex Temondera: Lost Vision PC Game – Norwich is a town in the western part of the Perdita Kingdom, aswell as being the place where Rayk was born. It was a peaceful town until it was plagued by a number of mysterious disappearances, which was later known as the ‘Case of the Lost Vision’, as some of the victims would later reappear …
When Rayk’s parents vanished too, he swore to himself that he will figure out what happened back then. 15 years after the Case of the Lost Vision, people began to vanish again. So this where Rayk’s journey begins, alongside his childhood friend Selene, he sets out to find out the truth behind these disappearances.
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