Title: Ancient Battle Alexander-SKIDROW
Genre: Strategy
Developer: HexWar Games
Publisher: HexWar Games
Release Date: 25 Jul, 2019
File Size: 615.39 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Letsupload, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Ancient Battle: Alexander PC Game – Use Macedonian Phalangites, Greek Hoplites, Indian Elephants, Scythed Chariots, Persian Cavalry, Catapults, Archers, Slingers, and many other unit types to engage in classic battles. Three campaigns that allow you to refight Alexander’s battles in and around Greece and Macedonia, including the …
Use Macedonian Phalangites, Greek Hoplites, Indian Elephants, Scythed Chariots, Persian Cavalry, Catapults, Archers, Slingers, and many other unit types to engage in classic battles. Three campaigns that allow you to refight Alexander’s battles in and around Greece and Macedonia, including the battle of Chaeronea. The second campaign follows his push to conquer the Achaemenid Persian Empire, while having to deal with rebellious Spartans in Greece. Finally Alexander’s campaign in India, ending in the epic battle of Hydaspes, with the Macedonian Pike Phalanx versus the masses of Indian Elephants.
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