Title: Who Knocks-TENOKE
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror
Developer: Daniele Doesn’t Matter
Publisher: Doesn’t Matter Games
Release Date: 26 Dec, 2022
Languages: English, French, Italian, German
File Size: 2.34 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Who Knocks PC Game – Noam Elfer has just moved into his new home in the country and is about to experience the longest night of his life. Welcome the entities who will knock at the front door during the night …
Noam Elfer has just moved into his new home in the country and is about to experience the longest night of his life. Welcome the entities who will knock at the front door during the night. Learn about their past and how they died inside the house. Get ready to experience Noam’s nightmares and help him get back in touch with reality.
A guy opens his door then got shot and you think that of me? NO! I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!
Yo! Mr White