Title: Through the Darkest of Times-GOG
Genre: Adventure, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Paintbucket Games
Publisher: HandyGames
Release Date: 31 Jan, 2020
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 1.24 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Dropapk, Google Drive, Mega, Pixeldrain, Uptobox
Free Download Through the Darkest of Times PC Game – You are the leader of a small resistance group in 1933’s Berlin, of ordinary people, from Jews to Catholics and Communists to Patriots who simply can’t stand aside. Your goal is to deal with small blows to the regime dropping leaflets to spread awareness about what the Nazis are really up to among …
Through the Darkest of Times is a historical resistance strategy game, focusing on conveying the somber mood of the period and the very real struggles of average people living in the 3rd Reich. Historical accuracy means that your small group of resistance fighters will not change the outcome of the war, nor will you prevent all of the Nazi’s atrocities, but you can certainly do everything in your power to save as many lives as you can and oppose the fascist system wherever possible.
Full List of Supported Languages:
English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil, Simplified Chinese
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1381216411
Note: The game is updated to version
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