Title: Tiny Troopers-PROPHET
Genre: Action, Strategy
Developer: Kukouri
Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
Release Date: July 2013
File Size: 229.47 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Tiny Troopers PC Game – Your troopers will face enemy infantry, snipers, technicals and even tanks. The casualty rate is going to be high but there’s an endless supply of fresh recruits to step up and fill the ranks. Those …
Your troopers will face enemy infantry, snipers, technicals and even tanks. The casualty rate is going to be high but there’s an endless supply of fresh recruits to step up and fill the ranks. Those lucky troopers who survive from mission to mission will be promoted, and each new stripe they gain makes them tougher.
To increase your troopers’ chances of survival, use Command Points to give them better equipment, reinforce their team with a specialist like machine gunner, medic or delta force and call in support drops during missions. War might be hell but this is the funniest way to fight in one!
Source is retail, exe version is v3.5.7.45015. Release inculdes the new Zombie Mode. You can change the language by clicking on the flag in the bottom left corner of the main menu.
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