Title: Alan Wake Remastered-CODEX
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Shooter
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Epic Games Publishing
Release Date: 5 Oct, 2021
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Etc …
File Size: 27.73 GB / Split 6 parts 4.95 GB Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Alan Wake Remastered PC Game – In this award-winning cinematic action-thriller, troubled author Alan Wake embarks on a desperate search for his missing wife, Alice. Following her mysterious disappearance from the …
Wake is soon forced to question his sanity, as page by page, the story comes true before his eyes: a hostile presence of supernatural darkness is taking over everyone it finds, turning them against him. He has no choice but to confront the forces of darkness armed only with his flashlight, a handgun and what remains of his shredded mind. His nightmarish journey to find answers to the mind-bending mystery he faces will lead him into the terrifying depths of the night.
Alan Wake Remastered offers the complete experience, with the main game and its two story expansions – The Signal and The Writer – in stunning new 4K visuals. The tense, episodic story is packed with unexpected twists, heart-stopping cliff hangers, and intense bursts of combat where it takes more than bullets to banish the darkness. The game’s cutscenes, quirky cast of characters, and the majestic Pacific Northwest vistas have been enhanced for an experience that delivers as much on its visual impact as its unnerving atmosphere.
• CPU: i7-3770 or equivalent
• GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Equivalent. 4GB VRAM
• RAM: 16 GB
• OS: Win 10 64-bit
General Notes:
• Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..
• If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
Man just love you man
ah, good ol’ days…
far cry 6 plzzz
Dream on! lol
i also want far cry 6
Not cracked yet.
But you can play it for $2 on an offline Unisoft account. :D
Comment mettre le jeu en français ?
How to put the game in French?
Hi thank you for the google drive link, your website is awesome.
its not German ….:(
FileCrypt down
everything down due to bad choice of filecrypt
everytime i try to install, egtting an extraction error, “itsdone.dll”, cant´t install the Game, anyone any solutions for this ? But thanks for the great UL :)