Title: KATANA KAMI A Way of the Samurai Story-CODEX
Genre: Action, Anime, RPG
Developer: Acquire Corp.
Publisher: Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.
Release Date: 20 Feb, 2020
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 1.06 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download KATANA KAMI: A Way of the Samurai Story PC Game – Play as a ronin during Japan’s Meiji Restoration in the volatile Rokkotsu Pass. The swordsmith Dojima falls into debt and his beautiful daughter is taken as collateral …
Play as a ronin during Japan’s Meiji Restoration in the volatile Rokkotsu Pass. The swordsmith Dojima falls into debt and his beautiful daughter is taken as collateral. Help repay the debt by crafting swords by day and exploring the mysterious, twisting dungeons of the Ipponmatsu Cave for valuable materials at night.
NOTES: To make the game english, select the 3rd option at main menu and change the langauge.
General Notes:
• Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..
• If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
Thanks OVA. Fighting!!
waiting for Judgement SEGA (if they release on PC)
Hi iwan, this game 100% working?
and how about your experience ?
fair enought fun guys?
i want to try but i doubt
this can online ??
cause i hear this more fun if play online because this different from previous way of the samurai series