Title: NEKOPARA Vol 1-HI2U
Genre: Anime, Casual, Visual Novel
Developer: NEKO WORKs
Publisher: Sekai Project
Release Date: 30 Dec, 2014
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 1.67 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download NEKOPARA PC Game – Kashou Minaduki, the son of a long line of Japanese confection makers moved out to open his own shop “La Soleil” as a patisserie. But upon moving out, hidden amongst his things were two of the ..
Kashou Minaduki, the son of a long line of Japanese confection makers moved out to open his own shop “La Soleil” as a patisserie. But upon moving out, hidden amongst his things were two of the catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, that the family had been raising. When he tried to send them back, they begged and pleaded until he gave in and now they’ve opened La Soleil together. With two catgirls who really, REALLY love their master trying their very best and occasionally failing — a heartful comedy opens for business!
See the Sayori NEKO WORKs’ mascots Chocola and Vanilla like never before, moving, and in full voice on screen. And now with the E-mote System, the characters smoothly move on screen changing expression and poses in countless ways.
sooo cuuuutee…
once it’s downloaded how do i play it (writing this pre-download could be pretty simple to get working for all i know)
When I copy the crack files to program files(x86) – Nekopara Vol. 1 , the file steam_api.dll cant be copied to the folder because it says “You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file” .. But theres only 1 user on my pc. Can someone help me fix this?
ahh i see youre man of culture as well