Title: Burgers 2 PROPER-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Developer: Digitized Organism
Publisher: Digitized Organism
Release Date: 8 Jan, 2017
File Size: 496.75 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Burgers 2 PC Game – Erwin Freud, with the help of an American Squad and his fellow soldiers, destroyed the alien sphere and all of its infestation. However, 72 years after World War II, the sphere has come back and emerged from the death. The old soldier is called to arms again and in the hope to end the nightmare forever. This time, the …
• The game features a more detailed and deeper story line.
• More intense and satisfying firefights.
• Possess and upgrade new powers to help even the odds.
• Challenging boss fights. Each boss has its own unique ability.
• Arena features new fun missions. Free contents will continue to be updated after release.
• Finally, there are burgers in the game now.
Note: Links are interchangeable, if you find any dead links please report them to “HERE“
*This is v1.0.1*
It was originally a TinyISO release , which had some blockage at level 2 prison , because of a quirk in their steam emulator ,showing the error message: “First time connection to Steam required”. Too bad , cause it was just a minor glitch. We waited for a proper UPDATE from you , tried to contact , no result.
TinyISO , Please contact us. ..Wanna discuss something urgent, also ur quirks in crack. We didnt want to proper but maybe this get ur attention
*NOTE* Unleashed rip has same problem with crack!
i’ll try this game, from SS look fun. Thank you!