Title: Hearthlands-GOG
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Sergio & Simon
Publisher: Sergio & Simon
Release Date: 6 Feb, 2017
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian
File Size: 308.07 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Hearthlands PC Game – Hearthlands is a real-time strategy game in which you take a role of a king in your own medieval/fantasy realm. You can not control your subjects directly. Instead you focus on city-building, resource …
The game is very flexible: you can build up a powerful realm and rule the lands with an iron grip, or establish a humble fishermen’s village. Or create a trading empire. Or found a small, bur well-defended outpost or raider’s camp. Or become a host of a wizard’s manor.
All characters, from a hauler to a hero, have their own minds and behavior patterns. Sometimes it is interesting just to watch people scurry about minding their own business.
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1287972541
Note: The game is updated to version 1.3.0
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