Title: Volcano Princess-TENOKE
Genre: Anime, RPG, Simulation
Developer: 养蛋人工作室 Egg Hatcher
Publisher: Gamera Games
Release Date: 21 Apr, 2023
Languages: English, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 1.24 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Volcano Princess PC Game – Prepare the next monarch by finding her hobbies, training her for battle, and befriending the citizens she’ll one day protect. Dive into an all-new parenting-simulator-RPG adventure …
Prepare the next monarch by finding her hobbies, training her for battle, and befriending the citizens she’ll one day protect. Dive into an all-new parenting-simulator-RPG adventure, where every decision you make will not only affect the future of your daughter but that of an entire empire!
The Volcano Goddess has blessed the land of her people. She brought prosperity to a country flourishing in a medieval era. After the death of your late wife, you are left alone to parent your daughter. So the question remains, how will you raise her, and what kind of life will the choices you make lead her to?
Could we get an update for this. There’s an important bug fix in the latest version of the game.
what the bug was about?
Any news on the update?