Title: Ghost on the Shore-GOG
Genre: Adventure
Developer: like Charlie
Publisher: Application Systems Heidelberg
Release Date: 24 Feb, 2022
Languages: English, German
File Size: 1.56 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Ghost on the Shore PC Game – Ghost on the Shore is a story exploration game about emotional ties that transcend even death. You play as Riley, a young woman who finds herself stranded on a desolate island with a …
You play as Riley, a young woman who finds herself stranded on a desolate island with a headstrong ghost, dead for as long as he can remember.
As you explore the crumbling homes of the vanished islanders and discover their belongings, you get to know the ghost Josh. As you make irrevocable choices in dialogue you shape the bond with him, which ultimately influences the outcome of the game.
As Riley puts it all together, she comes to understand how an island’s history has led to Josh’ death.
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1679108862
Note: The game is updated to version
Nice Game