Title: YOU The Untold Stories-PLAZA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Puzzle
Developer: ZekGame
Publisher: ZekGame
Release Date: 24 Oct, 2018
File Size: 2.24 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download YOU The Untold Stories PC Game – Throughout the game lies a cool story about you. You will play the role of yourself, and discover the truth about you, where did you come from and who you really are. You will adventure through 8 fantasy levels, from the forests, ruins to maze and temples. The gameplay includes hack-n-slash sequences …
Throughout the game lies a cool story about you. You will play the role of yourself, and discover the truth about you, where did you come from and who you really are. You will adventure through 8 fantasy levels, from the forests, ruins to maze and temples.
It’s full of puzzles (boxes/balls pushing, levers/keys and doors, items and objects etc.) Along the way, you will learn effective combos and special skills to fight for the glory.
Note: Links are interchangeable, if you find any dead links please report them to “HERE“
General Notes:
• Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..
• If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
great! thanks…