Title: Symphonic Rain-POSTMORTEM
Genre: Adventure, Visual Novel
Developer: Kogado Studio
Publisher: Degica
Release Date: 15 Jun, 2017
Languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Japanese
File Size: 2.51 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Symphonic Rain PC Game – Winter has come and it’s been over two years since Chris began studying to become a Fortenist—a master of the magical instrument known as the Fortelle. Graduation is only a few months away, and Chris must perform an original song together with a vocal partner for his final examination. But Chris, feeling …
In Piova, the city of music and endless rain, young men and women gather to pursue their dreams of becoming musicians. Chris Vertin is one of these young men, leaving his rural hometown and girlfriend behind to enroll in the Piova Communal School of Music.
Winter has come and it’s been over two years since Chris began studying to become a Fortenist—a master of the magical instrument known as the Fortelle. Graduation is only a few months away, and Chris must perform an original song together with a vocal partner for his final examination. But Chris, feeling unmotivated and listlessly spending his days, has yet to even try to find a partner. His entire world consists of letters he receives from his girlfriend and a 14 centimeter tall musical fairy living in his room.
Let us play the Fortelle in time with the metronome of the rain’s patter. When the sound of Chris’s playing harmonizes with the voice of the musical magic fairy who knows what might happen?
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i love this game
This game so touched me up
I’m so happy to pick Lise route for first.