Title: Jump King-GOG
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Nexile
Publisher: Nexile
Release Date: 3 May, 2019
Languages: English
File Size: 1.19 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Jump King PC Game – Prepare for true high-stakes platforming, where you have to use your mind to triumph! On your vertical adventure tension will rise with each jump, even though you cannot die! The reason is …
Prepare for true high-stakes platforming, where you have to use your mind to triumph! On your vertical adventure tension will rise with each jump, even though you cannot die! The reason is that a single missed jump could lead to a long fall, and once you have fallen you have to get back up again yourself…
The mechanics are simple: hold to charge the height of each jump and release to leap away! Despite its simplicity it will take much practice to master. You will have to consider each situation carefully before you jump, because once you are in the air there is no way to turn back!
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1644859307
Note: The game is updated to version g1.06(2021-01-22)
Links are down, reup pls
nvm it’s working again