Title: Reventure-GOG
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Pixelatto
Publisher: Pixelatto
Release Date: 4 Jun, 2019
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Etc …
File Size: 495.21 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Reventure PC Game – Reventure is the one and only non-linear adventure with 100 different endings. In Reventure you play as a wannabe hero who is supposed to do hero-ish things but sometimes flips off and does crazy …
In Reventure you play as a wannabe hero who is supposed to do hero-ish things but sometimes flips off and does crazy stuff instead. You play in a “choose your own adventure” fashion, meaning that you can do whatever you want, and every action will have an impact and a different outcome. You can get up to 100 different endings depending on your choices and interactions with the world and its characters.
You can finish the game in seconds or hours depending on the goals you set for yourself.
This Release Includes:
• Reventure (Base Game)
• Reventure – Soundtrack (DLC)
Full List of Supported Languages:
English, French, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish-Latin America, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1861660742
Note: The game is updated to version 1.9.5
This game really good and funny hahahahaha!
Thank you for the update!