Title: Door Kickers-GOG
Genre: Action, Shooter, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: KillHouse Games
Publisher: KillHouse Games
Release Date: Oct 20, 2014
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 723.23 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Onedrive Live, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Door Kickers PC Game – Door Kickers is an innovative realtime strategy game that puts you in charge of a SWAT team and lets you command them during a tactical intervention. Analyze the situation, plan team routes …
Analyze the situation, plan team routes, choose equipment and breach points and coordinate multiple troopers to reach the hostage room before the bad guys get to press that trigger.
It may sound daunting, and like real world CQB combat, it sure is. But most levels can be completed in minutes and on the fly improvisation works. Achieving the perfect planning, getting the mission done with no false steps, that’s a skill harder to master.
• OS: Windows 7
• Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVidia Geforce 9xxx / AMD Radeon HD / IntelHD 3000 series or better
• Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: A resolution of 1920×1080
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1207666463
Note: The game is updated to version 1.1.5
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