Title: Card City Nights-GOG
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Puzzle
Developer: Ludosity
Publisher: Ludosity
Release Date: 14 Feb, 2014
File Size: 737.84 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Card City Nights PC Game – Card City Nights is an adventure through a city filled with card-nuts and lunatics. Battle for the 8 legendary cards to enter the biggest competition this city has seen yet. CCN is not a traditional card-trading game. It’s an adventure game with zany characters to meet and weird locations to explore …
CCN is not a traditional card-trading game. It’s an adventure game with zany characters to meet and weird locations to explore. In the center is our new card battle system that breaks away from the fantasy TCG mold with connecting cards to form combos.
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Note: The game is updated to version 1.1
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