Title: Haimrik-SKIDROW
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Below the Game
Publisher: 1C Company
Release Date: 19 Jun, 2018
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian
File Size: 507.98 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Haimrik PC Game – This unique action adventure game lets you become Haimrik, a young scribe trying to make a living in a medieval town full of warriors, sorcerers, dragons and dragon-riding sorcerer-warriors. But one …
Fortunately, Haimrik commands the Power of the Words! These are the stones in the path Haimrik walks, and he brings them to life as he steps on each one, willingly or not. Haimrik will need to activate the right words to defeat the various enemies that challenge him across numerous Word Worlds, with new puzzles appearing constantly throughout the game.
In an added touch, Haimrik will undoubtedly die many horrific deaths, leaving pools of red blood contrasting with the otherwise plain monochromatic sepia world. Be part of a medieval revolution against the Word King and his elite warriors, and change the way you see words and stories forever.
how can i change language?
i see only english in the game…