Title: Umineko Golden Fantasia-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Action, Arcade, Fighting
Developer: 07th Expansion
Publisher: MangaGamer
Release Date: Dec 9, 2017
Languages: English, Japanese
File Size: 2.25 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Umineko: Golden Fantasia PC Game – The tag-team fighting game based on the original “Umineko When They Cry” series, finally released on Steam, in English and with improved rollback netplay! George, Jessica, and Rosa …
George, Jessica, and Rosa from the Ushiromiya family join the fray, as this release of Golden Fantasia includes the Cross Expansion from the original Japanese version! All the lines used during combat, story mode, as well match opening and closings are fully voiced in Japanese to bring realism to your combat!
In Golden Fantasia, matches are tag-team fights between two pairs of characters from the Umineko series, each sharing HP building SP for each other through a unique mechanic – the touch system!
During combat players can consume their SP Gauge and initiate their Meta World, but only if your opponent chooses to or otherwise cannot argue their truth and cancel yours!
Thank you for this. GG
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