Title: The TakeOver-SKIDROW
Genre: Action, Arcade, Casual, Fighting
Developer: Pelikan13
Publisher: Pelikan13
Release Date: 10 Nov, 2019
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese
File Size: 2.05 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download The TakeOver PC Game – The gameplay is designed around a new combo system that allows you to link together punches and kicks. Quickly put enemies in to the ground, keep them stunned or launch them in to the …
The gameplay is designed around a new combo system that allows you to link together punches and kicks. Quickly put enemies in to the ground, keep them stunned or launch them in to the air and continue to juggle! Maintaining a combo will fill your Super meter faster and allow you to unleash a devastating attack. You can also find and use weapons such as crowbars, swords and machine guns scattered around the levels. Last but not least, each character is equipped with a unique sidearm but ammunition is scarce so use it wisely! The game is easy to get in to but not easy to master.
first ! thank Ovagames.
Thank, great job!
Thanks Dear
single player?
multi player?