Title: Caligo-HI2U
Genre: Adventure, Horror, Indie
Developer: Krealit
Publisher: Krealit
Release Date: 22 Sep, 2017
Languages: English, Russian
File Size: 3.51 GB / Split 2 parts 3.00 GB Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Caligo PC Game – Caligo is the darkness everyone descends into one way or another, and to each of us it’s something different. For some it’s a short but exciting adventure, some will see it as a place to relax. Yet others will be reminded of their worst nightmare, while for a few, it might come as a revelation. One thing is certain however …
Caligo is the darkness everyone descends into one way or another, and to each of us it’s something different. For some it’s a short but exciting adventure, some will see it as a place to relax. Yet others will be reminded of their worst nightmare, while for a few, it might come as a revelation. One thing is certain however: everyone will have to answer one big question.
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