Title: Worms United-GOG
Genre: Action, Fighting, Strategy
Developer: Team17 Software
Publisher: Team17 Digital LTD.
Release Date: 2 Jan, 1996
Languages: English
File Size: 210.93 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Worms United PC Game – An absolutely engrossing game that was responsible for many sleepless nights back in the 90s is back to bring more sleepless nights now! What’s there not to like about teams of 10 worms …
Creative use of weapons is the key to victory. You can shoot the bazooka directly at your opponent and take some of his health. If you are clever and skilled, though, then maybe there is a way to use the wind and gravity to curve the trajectory of the projectile so that it lands right behind his cover and throws him from the cliff, causing an instant death? The feeling of satisfaction after such a brilliantly executed stunt is what makes this game great. So if you are looking for a game to play with your friends then you really can’t go wrong with Worms United.
The Worms United Includes:
• Worms (Base Game)
• Worms: Reinforcements (DLC)
GOG Database: https://www.gogdb.org/product/1207658991
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