Title: Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists Ateliers of the New World-CODEX
Genre: Action, Adventure, Anime, RPG
Developer: KOEI Tecmo
Publisher: KOEI Tecmo
Release Date: 26 Mar, 2019
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 11.3 GB / Split 3 parts 4.90 GB Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Racaty, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download elke & the Legendary Alchemists ~Ateliers of the New World~ PC Game – Atelier 20th Anniversary Title. An Atelier town built together with legendary alchemists. This title aims to combine the “slice-of-life” atmosphere of living in a town and collaborating with various characters and the exaltation that comes from successfully governing …
This title aims to combine the “slice-of-life” atmosphere of living in a town and collaborating with various characters and the exaltation that comes from successfully governing a town and expanding your world.
This title is designed to represent a new milestone in the evolution of the “Atelier” series, marking their 20th anniversary, and its theme is: Town-management Simulation x RPG.
We aim to provide our fans with an entirely new “Atelier” experience, while also inviting back many popular characters of past titles.
Available NEW! DLC for this release:
• (DLC Pack) – “Town Building 5-Item Set” Season Pass
• (DLC Pack) – Gust 25th Anniversary BGM Pack 1
• (DLC Pack) – Gust 25th Anniversary BGM Pack 2
• (DLC Pack) – Additional Resident “Gust-chan”
• (DLC Pack) – Atelier 20th Anniversary Appreciation House
• (DLC Pack) – Mysterious Alchemist Statue
• (Update v1.02) – Nelke the LA: Atelier 20th Anniversary Arranged BGM Pack
• (Update v1.02) – Nelke the LA: Extra Stories
• OS: Win 7/8.1/10 64bit
• Processor: Core i7 3.4GHz (4 core) or over
• Memory: 8 GB RAM
• Graphics: 1920×1080 NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 2GB
• DirectX: Version 11
• Network: Broadband Internet connection
• Storage: 35 GB available space
• Sound Card: 16bit Stereo, 48kHz WAVE file can be played
Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists … New World DLC Pack-CODEX
✓ UPDATE V1.01
Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists … New World Update v1.01-CODEX
✓ UPDATE V1.02
Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists … New World Update v1.02 incl DLC-CODEX
Note: Links are interchangeable, if you find any dead links please report them to “HERE“
General Notes:
• Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..
• If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
Thanks OVA. I don’t know if it is new, but I like Letsupload server. It is pretty fast, but still GDrive is the best.
new DLCs
new update
Aww damn, now atelier series became visual novel.
It kinda always has been. Most JRPGs nowadays are, unfortunately.
new update is out
pls reupload update v1.02