Title: Japanese School Life-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Casual, Visual Novel
Developer: code:jp
Publisher: Sekai Project
Release Date: 23 Nov, 2016
Languages: English, Japanese
File Size: 1.45 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Japanese School Life PC Game – Welcomed by the fluttering of cherry blossom, the main character, Brian, starts a new high school life in Japan. Brian soon starts to get along with two girls in the same class after they …
With their help, Brian gradually learns Japanese culture and customs.
He deepens his friendships with each girl as they teach him how to study and spend time together after school.
He gradually is able to survive through the commuter rush, May sickness, the rainy season, and more as he experiences Japanese culture for the first time.
lol….. dude
lol indeed