Title: Alien Rage Unlimited MULTi9-PROPHET
Genre: Action, Shooter
Developer: City Interactive
Publisher: CI Games
Release Date: 25 Sep, 2013
Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese
File Size: 3.69 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Alien Rage Unlimited PC Game – Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Battle through 14 intense levels and prepare to face a barrage …
Battle hardened Alien forces will attack you from every direction using various flanking and attack moves. Built with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments… experience a truly intense, oldschool styled shooter game!
• OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8
• Processor: Core 2 Quad 2 GHz or equivalent AMD
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: GeForce GTX 460
• DirectX: Version 9.0c
• Network: Broadband Internet connection
NOTE: Game is updated to newest version (SP .exe version is v1.0.9084.0) and we have included the Soundtrack DLC. Enjoy.
bedanya apa sama yang kemaren
Game nya keren tapi ga ada option utk remove head bob :(
Di steam banyak yg complain juga masalah head-bob
Untuk yg mabok saat main game FPS disarankan minum antimo dulu :D
anjir minum antimo :v wkwkwkw
uhmm i hope this websites comments are english..xD ca i play this offline?
yes u can on offline
Danger !
Extreme case of Vertigo for casual FPS player. . .
just bout download & play it.
its werk! thanks ovagames!
you guys so rock!!
can u upload GOD OF WAR 3 for pc..?
LAN,, Can we Play Like That?
thanks a lot, it works very good on Windows 10 64 bit