Title: Evil Park Repack-HI2U
Genre: Adventure, Horror
Developer: Mobsoftware
Publisher: Mobsoftware
Release Date: 2 Sep, 2017
File Size: 1.04 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Letsupload, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Evil Park PC Game – Evil Park is an atmospheric horror game, based on simulating obscure situations of distress, insecurity and anxiety. The gameplay follows a simple and objective line, being based on exploration, collection of items (randomized) and survival. . Your enemies will be murderous hunters of humans, masked lunatics …
The gameplay follows a simple and objective line, being based on exploration, collection of items (randomized) and survival. Your enemies will be murderous hunters of humans, masked lunatics, thirsty for violence, who will do everything they can to make sure you don’t escape. EP is an audiovisual focus experience, an obscure stroll in the heart of a dark, isolated and mysterious region.
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first XD
weak-hearted people aren’t recommended to play this