Title: Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol 5-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Visual Novel
Developer: Frontwing
Publisher: Frontwing USA
Release Date: 27 Jul, 2018
Languages: English, Japanese
File Size: 3.18 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent
Free Download Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol.5 PC Game – A few weeks have passed since SORD successfully resolved the Kitaoka University terrorist incident – albeit with some sacrifices – when Murasaki’s older sister Yuuki returns to …
A few weeks have passed since SORD successfully resolved the Kitaoka University terrorist incident – albeit with some sacrifices – when Murasaki’s older sister Yuuki returns to Japan to rejoin Class A. Being more sociable and capable than her sister, Yuuki immediately befriends the other students and builds a trusting relationship with them.
“There’s no reason for me to be at Mihama anymore…”
As Murasaki starts questioning her raison d’etre, she reminisces about the time when she first met Haruto.
Lamenting his lack of experience, he had come to her village hidden deep in the mountains in search of new skills.
Where could he find this supposed “secret art” that is said to have been passed down for generations…?
“I’ll never forgive you…!!”
“It’s okay… Don’t worry… I’m not… going anywhere… I’m here with you…”
“I’m stumped… It’s exactly as she said – and there’s no way to cut a phantom…”
“Come on. Chin up… Show me your courage…”
Their fateful meeting was also the beginning of a tragic story…
“Won’t you… give me the order to kill my sister?”
• OS: 7/8.1/10
• Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.66GHz
• Memory: 2 GB RAM
• Graphics: VRAM512MB, 1280×720
• Storage: 3 GB available space
• Sound Card: Support for PCM playback through DirectSound
Additional Notes: Windows Media Player 9 equivalent or higher
Could you guys put all Grisaia vol into one post when all volume is completed..?