Title: Dark Elf-DARKSiDERS
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Visual Novel
Developer: ONEONE1
Publisher: SakuraGame
Release Date: 3 Aug, 2017
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 1.50 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Dark Elf PC Game – Trading cards: According to new policy of Steam, trading cards will be available when the quantity of copies of game sold reachs a certain amount. It’s a story about a dark elf and a teenager who survived from death field after experiencing countless death. The background is that after the war and in the peaceful world …
It’s a story about a dark elf and a teenager who survived from death field after experiencing countless death.
The background is that after the war and in the peaceful world, Frelia the former mercenary saved the young Ruse who was attacked, and took him in.
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how to fix REM Error!?
pls Help!
Just extract Darksiders.bin with 7-zip to a folder of your choice. I think it will work with all Darksiders releases.
thank you !
how to uncensor this version???
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